Developer Journey

Written by artlu99 on October 17, 2024


Whistles Protocol is a composable, decentralized, and permissionless protocol for sharing restricted-distribution information in self-sovereign, transparent, and sufficiently decentralized blah blah.



Supply a cast hash and viewer FID to the GraphQL endpoint. It returns either the encoded text or the decoded text, based on the location of the cast, and the permissions associated with the viewer FID for that channel’s membership.

Casts from 7 days prior to joining the channel are decodable. This may become configurable in the future.

All casts older than 30 days are removed from Whistles Protocol. This may become configurable in the future.


Use the endpoint to write to the rainbow table, encrypted-at-rest using the shared secrets and made available to all.

Or, supply your own secrets if you don’t want other developers (permissionless, decentralized) to be able to read the content shared across the network.

Or, use the shared secrets for maximum distribution, but encapsulate further permissions inside the content, e.g., your own encryption or your own URL redirect links.


Sharing secrets transparently on decentralized, permissionless rails

How to Whistle.

Use the GraphQL server at Whistles Yoga.

FOSS Composer Action (front-end) [here]

FOSS Composer Action (back-end) + Cast Action [here]

FOSS Whistles Server [here]

FOSS Farcaster alt client [here]